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Mid test of English for children


                        EXAMINATION                     : MID TEST 2021 / 2022

SUBJECT                                 : ENGLISH FOR CHILDREN

LECTURER                             : FERNANDO DE NAPOLI MARPAUNG, SS, Mpd

SEMESTER                             : III D/E

TIME                                        : 90 MINUTES


I.                   What is ESP for English for children?


II.                Please write down 7 Steps to Teach Kids to Introduce Themselves with example.


III.             What is  characteristic of young learners based on their age?


IV.             How to Teach Vocabulary to Yong Learners?


V.                Please mention the techniques to teach vocabulary for Young Learners.


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  2. 2. STEP 1: SMILE
    Smile and make eye contact with the person you want to meet. Shaking hands or giving a high five are fun ways to say hello.

    “Hi, I’m Sunshine. What’s your name?”

    “Nice to meet you, _________!”
    People LOVE to hear their own name, and saying their name right away helps you remember their name.

    “Have you been to camp before?”
    “How old are you?”
    “Where are you from?”
    “What activities are you most excited about?”

    Acknowledge similarities/differences: “This is my first year at camp, too!”

    “Do you want to play cards?”
    “Let’s sit next to each other at dinner!”
    “Will you be my bathroom

    “Have you met _______?”
    “Sam, this is Joe. He goes to my school.

    3. 1. Young learners get bored quickly.
    If the activities are not interesting and engaging enough, young learners get bored easily. This is because they have a limited attention span. Generally, after ten minutes, they can get disinterested in the activity at hand, especially if it is taught directly and is devoid of the elements of play.

    2. Young learners are meaning-oriented
    They may understand what is being said without necessarily understanding every individual word. They may not only guess and interpret what is being uttered but they also respond to it with whatever language resources they have at their disposal.

    3. Young learners like to discover things
    They are characterized by curiosity and enthusiasm. They like to make sense of the world around them through engaging and motivating activities where they have to discover by themselves rather than being told. They also often learn indirectly from everything around them – not necessarily focusing on the topic being taught.

    4. They prefer concrete activities
    According to Piaget’s cognitive development theory, young learners are still developing. That is, they are still making their way from concrete to abstract thinking. Unlike adults who are more analytical, they are not yet well equipped to learn abstract concepts such as grammar rules. In addition to that, they are more inclined to understand based not only on explanation but more importantly on what they hear, see and touch (Harmer, 2001 p. 82).

    5. They are more egocentric
    They prefer to talk about themselves. Activities that focus on their lives are their cup of tea. In addition to that, children under the age of 12 need individual attention and approval from the teacher.

    6. They are imaginative
    Young learners are imaginative. Activities that are full of imagination is a source of enjoyment for them. It is sometimes difficult for them to distinguish reality from imagination.

    7. They imitate
    They learn by imitating adults. It is amazing how humans imitate and discover things from a very young age. Children acquire communication skills through social interactions. Consequently, because imitation functions as a learning tool, it is rewarding to use it to teach children new skills and knowledge.

    4. 1. show pictures
    2. Write the name under the picture
    3. tell him to read or spell
    4. do it while playing

    5. Pointing.
    Teacher cen use flashcard or power point presentasion to show the item that they what to teach.
    There are two ways to substution the words


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