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Showing posts from April, 2022


    Download me TEORI BEHAVIORISTIK Teori belajar behavioristik merupakan teori belajar memahami tingkah laku manusia   yang menggunakan pendekatan objektif, mekanistik, dan materialistik, sehingga   perubahan tingkah laku pada diri seseorang dapat dilakukan melalui upaya   pengkondisian. Desmita (2009:44) more file??? Download me    

Adjective clause/Relative Clause

  Download me A relative clause is typically a clause that modifies a noun or noun phrase , and uses some grammatical device to indicate that one of the arguments within the relative clause has the same referent as that noun or noun phrase. For example, in the sentence I met a man who wasn't there , the subordinate clause who wasn't there is a relative clause, since it modifies the noun man , and uses the pronoun who to indicate that the same "man" is referred to within the subordinate clause (in this case, as its subject ). (wikipedia) more file??? Download me


  Download me kompetensi profesional seorang guru meliputi beberapa point, Menurut permendiknas 16 tahun 2007 • Guru harus memilki landasan pendidikan . • Guru harus menguasai materi pembelajaran . • Guru harus berkemampuan menyusun program pengajaran . • Guru harus mampu menilai proses dan hasil pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakan     Ruang Lingkup Kompetensi Profesional Gur u • Mengerti dan dapat menerapkan landasan kependidikan . • Mengerti dan dapat menerapkan teori belajar sesuai taraf perkembangan     peserta didik . • Mampu menangani dan mengembangkan bidang studi yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya . • Mengerti dan dapat menerapkan metode pembelajaran yang bervariasi . • Mampu mengembangkan dan menggunakan berbagai alat , media dan sumber belajar yang relevan . • Mampu mengorganisir dan melaksanakan program pembelajaran . • Mampu melaksanakan evaluasi hasil belajar pesert


  Download here..(click me) SHORT FUNCTIONAL TEXTS Short functional texts are types of informational texts to help the readers understand the information quickly. Short functional texts are usually characterized by: - The use of clear, simple, and concise sentences. - Pictures or symbols - The use of particular words or letters.   Types of Short Functional Texts   1.      Announcement An announcement is a statement addressed to public to provide information that something has happened or is going to happen. This type of SFT is commonly found in the public place or media, respectively, such as at school (on an announcement board), a newspaper, magazine, a window of a shop, a city park, etc. Announcement commonly has the following features. a. The sentences are written concisely. b. The information is written completely and clearly, so that the readers can understand it quickly and easily. c. It contains type of event, date and time, place, and contact person or